Study Guide
“How Jesus Designed His Church: The Jesus Led Church”, by Robert G. Weber.
Bible packed paperback, organized in 16 chapters and outlined in a 176 point table of contents, describes the simple way our Lord designed His church, demystifying the amazing spiritual power of early delivers and empowering today’s Christ follower to accomplish deeds of destiny. In this study the Bible speaks freely for itself; describing a church of a truly divine design – one that employs all the grace, gifts, power and promises found in the New Covenant; a church fulfilling Christ’s command to go into tall the world and make disciples of all nations. In reading this book you will be ever so delighted to discover that the church you have been longing for can and does exist.
“How Jesus Designed His Church” covers all the important elements that help develop a truly biblical understanding of the church Jesus designed:
Authored by Robert G. Weber, a father of 10, all from one wonderful wife of 45 years. Graduate of Asbury Theological Seminary, University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business and successful manufacturing entrepreneur.